Tuesday, 17 March 2020



Participants will understand the importance of fire prevention efforts beyond their mitigation efforts
Understand how fires occur, their spread, and how to prevent and overcome them
Provide awareness about the importance of improving daily behavior in fire prevention.
Get to know some of the means and infrastructure of fire prevention and control equipment.
Anticipate and reduce losses due to fire, by forming an organization's role for fire.


Fire phenomenon.
Fire Extinguishers and how to use them.
Characteristics of baker
Danger of explosion and its control
Flammable liquid material
Work permits in flammable areas
Room fire
Fire risk analysis
Kebakara emergency response
Fire management


Participatory, discussion and simulation using tools
The socialization of Fire Prevention and Management was carried out on January 24, 2017

Fire Extinguisher Simulation in PT BUKIT ANGKASA MAKMUR 27 DESEMBER 2019

Fire is a dangerous threat and can cause casualties if we do not make appropriate efforts to prevent fires. This is the basis of the Fire Fighting Training and Simulation at the Wtansoppeng District Court.

Awareness of the importance of fire prevention and early response to fire hazards, in general, is still felt to be very poor, especially for the people of Indonesia. So that fires still occur frequently which always results in a lot of losses. To prevent fires and reduce their impact, an adequate level of fire knowledge is needed.

Friday, 13 March 2020

Occupational Health and Safety expert

OHSAS 18001 is a Occupational Health and Safety Management System that applies internationally, while SOccupational Health and SafetyManagement System PP No.50 of 2012 applies nationally and is a law made by the Indonesian government through the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Manpower. Often companies are at a choice, which should be applied first between OHSAS 18001: 2007 or SMK3 PP No.50 of 2012? Then what are the differences and similarities between the two?

Previously here is a brief summary of the definition of each of the two. OHSAS or the abbreviation for Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS 18001) is an international standard for implementing Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems in the workplace / company. Many organizations in various countries have adopted OHSAS 18001 to encourage the application of occupational safety and health by implementing procedures that require organizations to consistently identify and control the risks of hazards to safety and health in the workplace; and improve company performance and image.

Meanwhile, Government Regulation No.50 of 2012 is a set of regulations related to the implementation of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System which is based on Law N0.01 of 1970, and is mandated by Law No. 13 of 2003. Occupational Health and Safety PP No.50 of 2012 is required for companies, employing more than 100 people and has a high level of potential danger. For this reason, the company is required to prepare a K3 Plan. In preparing the OHS plan, employers involve the Occupational Health and Safety Expert, the Working Committee for Occupational Safety and Health, Workers' Representatives and other relevant parties.

In Indonesia, these two Occupational Health and Safety management systems (OHSAS 18001 and Occupational Health and Safety PP No. 50 of 2012) are used by various organizations and companies. The two standards have similarities to the elements / principles contained therein. The following table is the equation.

Communication Forum for CSR City of Bengkulu Tengah

CSR is an action or concept carried out by the company according to the company's ability as a form of their responsibility towards the social / environment around where the company is located. Examples of forms of responsibility vary, ranging from activities that can improve community welfare and environmental improvement, scholarships for underprivileged children, funding for maintenance of public facilities, donations for villages / community facilities that are social and useful to the community at large, especially the community around the company.

Communication Forum for CSR City of Bengkulu Tengah

        CSR Communication Forum activities in Balikpapan City are as a spirit of cooperation between the Government and Business in accelerating development in East Kalimantan, especially in Balikpapan City, and it is important to prepare various concrete steps in the framework of their implementation. As a spirit of cooperation, along with various information on development programs that can be adopted as CSR programs.

Thursday, 12 March 2020

Rubber Plantations

Rubber is a hydrocarbon polymer contained in the latex of several types of plants. The main source of rubber production in international trade is para or Hevea brasiliensis (Euphorbiaceae tribe). Some other plants also produce latex latex with slightly different properties from rubber, such as fig members (for example, banyan), sapodilla (for example patches and sapilla manila), other Euphorbiaceae, and dandelions. During World War II, these sources were used to fill the vacuum supply of rubber from para. Now, the sap of the patch is used in medicine (guttapercha), whereas latex sawo manila is commonly used for gum (chicle). Industrial rubber can now be produced synthetically and become a rival in the rubber industry.

Association of Indonesian Rubber

Bengkulu, The Association of Indonesian Rubber Companies Bengkulu is encouraging the government to build downstream rubber industries such as asphalt and biofuel raw materials.
"We encourage the government to establish a rubber management downstream industry in Bengkulu," the national rubber production in the last five years was quite large, namely above 3.3 million tons, while the price of rubber in the last five years continued to decline to Rp. 7 thousand per kilogram (kg) and rubber absorption for the tire industry was only 70 percent.
To realize the rubber-based industry, the government must be consistent with the policy of downstreaming rubber plantation products into value-added products, such as the development of rubber-based biofuels and their use in the country as a competitive energy mix.

For support from the government so that there is a policy of downstreaming the results of rubber plantations into biofuel, because this rubber belongs to the category of multipurpose bioenergy plants," The use of rubber into biofuel is done because this commodity is a plantation crop whose production is already surplus but not all of it is absorbed by the market. Biodiesel can be applied either in the form of 100 percent (B100) or a mixture with diesel oil at certain concentration levels such as B20 and B30. Likewise with the use of rubber seeds which are very wide open to become a fuel mixture because the oil content in the rubber seeds meat reaches 45.63 percent.

Performance Rating of Environmental Management

Bengkulu, As many as 53 companies in Bengkulu Province received certificates of Company Performance Rating in Environmental Management (PROPER) from the Ministry of Environment (Kemenlhk RI), at the Mercure Hotel Bengkulu, Monday (2/3). The submission of the Proper Results Report Card 2018-2019 is based on the decision of the Minister of LHK Number SK.1049 / MENLHK / SETJEN / PKL.4 / 2019. In his report, Head of the Bengkulu Province LHK Service Sorjum Ahyan conveyed, of the 53 companies in Bengkulu Province that were assessed, as many as 10 companies were assessed directly by the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Forestry and 43 companies were assessed by the Bengkulu Province LHK Service.

Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Health and Safety in 2020

The Minister of Manpower, Ida Fauziyah, launched the National K3 Month (Health and Safety) in 2020 as well as the 50th K3 anniversary at the National Monument Cross (Monas) Jakarta, Sunday, January 12, 2020. The declaration was marked by a healthy K3 (fun walk) followed by 2,000 participants.

In his remarks, Minister Ida said that occupational safety and health are facing increasingly complex challenges in the workforce. Therefore we need a control strategy that is more effective, efficient, and innovative in preventing work accidents and occupational diseases. For this reason, the Minister of Manpower Ida asks all parties to make concrete efforts towards the implementation of OSH in their respective environments so that the culture of OSH is truly realized throughout the country.

Improvements to the vocational education and training

Improvements to the vocational education and training system will be carried out in an integrated and integrated manner.

Minister of National Development Planning (PPN) / Bappenas Bambang Brodjonegoro said the main emphasis in improvement was matching the quality of graduates' expertise with industry.

The first step the government will take is to develop whatever industry needs, how many needs, and matching education.

"So that all Vocational Schools (Vocational High Schools) and BLK (Vocational Training Centers) are really seen as to what their quality is, then what competency certification is produced from these schools which will be in line with work needs," said Bambang, after a limited meeting at the President's Office , Jakarta, Thursday (5/16/2019).

Bambang said there was an imbalance between the current number of BLK and SMK and industry needs. Because, many job vacancies in various industrial sectors can not be absorbed directly by the graduates.

But not a problem in the field of education. According to Bambang, the core of the disharmony is in the expertise of the graduates.

"Indeed, Vocational Schools now have their clusters; tourism, manufacturing, maritime and so on. That's a field that might be appropriate, but the expertise is (right) yet? " said Bambang.

Therefore, the government does not intend to change the existing vocational fields even the ratio of the number of educators. One that will be pursued is to measure the level of expertise and skills of prospective graduates from the viewpoint of market demand.

"It means we cannot walk alone from the supply side, but we must look at the demand side. But now we can't start from scratch, so we have to use what we have, "he said.

To support the improvement plan, the Minister of Manpower Hanif Dhakiri said he would optimize the involvement of companies in the recruitment of SMK and BLK graduates.

Hanif said that one of the strategies that could be carried out was through an internship program. But now it will map the classification of the SMK, BLK and certification.

Occupational Safety and Health

Occupational Safety and Health is a must to be carried out by the work organizer with one of the objectives of protecting workers so as to increase productivity in the company.

If the health of workers is well maintained, the number of illnesses, absences, disabilities and work accidents can be minimized, so that healthy and productive workers will be realized.

Data from the Central Statistics Agency in 2020 stated the number of working ages in Indonesia there were 193.55 million people where 133.94 million people entered the workforce and the remaining 59.61 million people were not the workforce.

And the number of 133.94 million labor force, 127.07 million people work in the formal and informal sectors and 6.87 million people are unemployed. The large number of the workforce is a valuable asset for the progress of the nation when accompanied by excellent quality and productivity of workers.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia noted an upward trend in the number of work accidents in Indonesia that has continued to increase in recent years, during 2020 there have been 157,313 cases of work accidents, or an increase compared to cases of work accidents that occurred in 2020  amounted to 123 thousand cases.

The work accident data above is strengthened by data from the Manpower Social Security Organizing Agency (BPJS), where during 2018, the Employment BPJS has paid work accident claims with a value of up to Rp 1.09 trillion. This figure is an increase compared to 2020 whose claim value was only Rp 971 billion and in 2020 which only amounted to Rp 792 billion.

"We should evaluate the increase in trends, how the implementation of the K3 program that runs in the workplace can be carried out properly and correctly not only in the pages of procedures, work instructions to meet the certification audit process," said Chairman of the Federation of Chemical, Energy Trade Unions, Sunandar Mining, Oil, Natural Gas and General in a short message.

He said when a work accident occurs, the investigation process must proceed properly and not necessarily blame workers who have suffered work accidents. "The root of the real problems related to workplace accidents must be explored and followed up properly so that similar incidents do not recur," he said

Sunndar continued, if the Investigation process in looking for the root causes of an occupational accident was not carried out properly and correctly by management or the employer, then the company must ask about the company's commitment in applying K3, he continued

Some top management tends to find it difficult to understand the importance of investment in safety, the focus tends to be on productivity, if there is no serious accident for a certain period of time. everything seems to work. Then, why should you invest to prevent it?

"A selfish mindset. In fact, if there is a work accident, the loss is not only the worker who has a work accident, but also the company. Does the place where we work, the workers have got a K3 guarantee properly or improvised.

Assesment of Environment

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry through the Office of Environment and Forestry Bengkulu Province submits the final report card of the Company Performance Rating Program or Proper,

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Disaster Response Simulation

The HKB Peak Commemoration, which was centered on the Bengkulu Province BPBD Office Page, featured a simulation of preparing for a disaster, starting from installing tents with 15 minutes for public kitchens, cooking simulations, and simulating the use of communication cars.

Bengkulu Governor Dr. H. Rohidin Mersyah witnessed how swift and agile BPBD disaster alert officers were when making tents for public kitchens in the event of a disaster. In just 15 minutes a large public kitchen tent is ready to use. Then the Governor also checked cooking utensils and public kitchen water. Not only that, car communication (Komob) is a car that has the ability to transmit signals in the event of a disaster, so that communication can continue even when a disaster occurs.

ostgraduate Study Program in Natural Resources Management STUDENTS

Naturalis ISSN: 2302-6715 and e-ISSN: 2654-7732 published by the Postgraduate Study Program in Natural Resources Management and the University of Bengkulu and used as a media for dissemination of research results in the form of full research articles, brief communication and literature review (article reviews ) about aspects of environmental science. The Naturalis Journal accepts articles in the Indonesian language by discussing several topics of Environmental Management, Environmental Ecology, Conservation of Natural Resources and the Environment, Development and the Environment, Environmental Impact Analysis, Environmental Planning and Administration, Environmental Health, Environmental Engineering and Environmental Pollution, and Systems Environmental Information

disaster management is essential

Bengkulu (8/15) - An understanding of basic disaster management is essential for ASN and other regional components that live in disaster prone areas.

Disaster Management Basic education and training for ASN in the scope of BPBD, SKPD, TNI / Polri and Bengkulu Province media partners, organized by the BNPB Education and Training Center in collaboration with BPSDM Bengkulu, began on 12 August 2019 as a reflection of the importance of governance and learning disaster management in Indonesia, especially Bengkulu Province which has high potential against the threat of earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, landslides and others.

Head of the Bengkulu BPSDM Core Technical Development Division, Asmara Hadi, SKM, MSi in his closing remarks said that the training for the ambassadors of this disaster had to be re-programmed through continued PB training materials. It is hoped that the participants of this training can be trained to become TOTs for the development of PB and City level HR capacity in Bengkulu Province.

The implementation of basic disaster management training is filled with PB material including PB basics and national systems, disaster risk, emergency response posts, data and information management, rehabilitation rehabilitation to multiparty collaboration with PB speakers and lecturers from BNPB and BPBD.

Something interesting from the implementation of this training is that PB human resource capacity training can also take advantage of village funds being promoted by the Ministry of Finance. Hopefully this breakthrough can later become a rolemodel in other areas to shape community preparedness in facing disasters.

Bengkulu Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP), in 2020

Bengkulu, Beritasatu.com - Bengkulu Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP), in 2020 was approved by the local wage council amounting to Rp2,213,000 more or an increase of Rp173,000 from the 2019 UMP of Rp2,040,000 / month.

"Bengkulu 2020 UMP, Bengkulu Province Wage Council has been set, amounting to Rp 2,213,000 / month, and has been submitted to the Governor of Bengkulu, Rohidin Mersyah to endorse it," said the Head of the Bengkulu Province Manpower and Transmigration Office, Sudoto, in Bengkulu , Thursday (10/31/2019).

He said the determination of the Bengkulu 2020 UMP amounting to Rp 2,213,000 / month was based on a joint calculation with the Bengkulu Provincial Wage Board and other relevant agencies in this area.

"The amount of the 2020 UMP will be submitted to the Governor of Bengkulu, Rohidin Mersyah, because according to the request of the central government no later than November 1, the 2020 UMP can be reported and announced to the public," he said.

Sudoto said that the establishment of the Bengkulu 2020 UMP of Rp.2,230,000 or an increase of 8.51 percent from 2019, besides referring to the central government's decision on the 2020 UMP, also considered national inflation of 3.30 percent and economic growth of 5.05 percent, so it was decided next year's UMP Bengkulu is Rp 2,213,000 / month.

If the UMP 2020, has been signed by the Governor of Bengkulu, Rohidin Mersyah, then this UMP must be carried out by employers in this area without exception in paying the salaries or wages of their workers.

"All companies in Bengkulu, are required to apply the UMP 2020 in paying their employees 'salary. For companies that do not pay their employees' salaries in accordance with the UMP 2020, they can be subject to criminal sanctions except for those who raise objections to the Bengkulu Manpower Office," he said.

Meanwhile, a member of the Bengkulu Province Wage Board, Aizan Dahlan said, the UMP increase of 8.51 percent does not only apply to Bengkulu Province, but the same thing also applies nationally.

"The increase in the National Minimum Wage by 8.51 percent is based on the comparison between inflation, which is around 3.39 percent and national economic growth at 5.12 percent.

In addition, the magnitude of the 2020 UMP increase of 8.51 percent was based on a decent living needs survey (KHL) conducted by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS).

Although the Bengkulu 2020 UMP has increased by 8.51 percent, it still does not change the position of Bengkulu Province from the rank of the province with the lowest wage on the island of Sumatra. Because, on the island of Sumatra only Bengkulu, UMP is still below Rp 2.5 million / month.

The Bengkulu UMP value, he said, is quite far adrift when compared to the UMP in neighboring provinces, such as Lampung Province, Jambi Province, and South Sumatra Province, with an average amount of over Rp 2.5 million / month.

Aizan added, in the Bengkulu 2020 UMP meeting, his party proposed a 10 percent increase in the UMP from 2019, but it was agreed that the 2020 UMP increase would refer to the national increase of 8.51 percent.

However, the Bengkulu Province Wage Board, remains optimistic that the amount of the Bengkulu 2021 UMP is already at Rp 2.5 million / month, so it is not far from the UMP of the neighboring province.

This belief is because BPS will again conduct a decent living survey to determine the provincial UMP amount in 2021. In addition, the ability of Bengkulu entrepreneurs to pay a UMP 2021 of Rp 2.5 million / month is more ready than now, he said.

With the stipulation of the Bengkulu 2020 UMP, it is expected that it can be used as a reference for regency and city business boards in Bengkulu, in setting the 2020 UMK in their respective regions.

"For regencies or cities that have wage management boards, such as in North Bengkulu, Central Bengkulu and Bengkulu City, in determining the amount of UMK, the UMP 2020 must be calculated and the wage amount should not be below the UMP," he said


BENGKULU - Bengkulu Coffee began to compete in national and international markets. Bengkulu coffee branding that was intensively carried out by Governor Rohidin Mersyah began to show results. Bengkulu Coffee won three award categories at the French AVPA (Agency for the Valorization of the Agricultural Products) International Coffee Championship. Namely Bencoolen Rejang Lebong, Bencoolen Kepahiang, and Bermani Coffee Rejang Lebong. This award was given directly by AVPA President Philippe Juglar, at the Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE) BSD Serpong, Tangerang (16/10).

Bengkulu coffee activist Rika Kurnia Ningsih said that the award to Governor Rohidin was very appropriate. Because the assistance from the local government first downstream is very massive. At this time, continued Rika, the growth of downstream coffee players has grown over the past 3 years, and has reached around 135 Bengkulu premium coffee brands.

"The local government, under the leadership of Pak Rohidin, has succeeded in comparing Bengkulu coffee, by bringing the Bencoolen Coffee brand," said Rika, who is also a participant of the 349th Indonesia Expo Trand in 2019 in Serang - Banten.

According to Rika, Governor Rohidin has committed to the growth and development of premium coffee actors in Bengkulu. "The term governor, honest coffee. Honest coffee is coffee without any mixture and is managed properly according to standards, especially after harvesting, "Rika added.

Governor Rohidin, according to him, has a very big role in the development of Bengkulu Coffee, including the drive to have a Geographical Indication certification. In 2018 the Geographical Indication certification for the Kepahiang-Kopi Robusta Kepahiang people's coffee plantations has been issued by the Directorate General of Intellectual Property of the Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights. While Rejang Lebong Regency came out on August 28, 2019.

"In the future, there will only be strengthening on the Human Resources side, for example conducting roaster, barista and cupper certification in Bengkulu. This has never been done before, "Rika suggested.

On the other hand, continued Rika, internet-based marketing needs to be done more massively. "It needs to be promoted with assistance and cooperation with e-commerce platforms. Because the Bengkulu market segmentation outside is not in Bengkulu itself, "said Rika the owner of the Gading Cempaka Coffee brand.

Meanwhile, Bengkulu Deputy Governor Dedi Ermansyah expressed his gratitude to various parties, especially the Governor of Bengkulu, who had been struggling to promote Bengkulu Coffee to begin to touch the European market.

"We are very grateful, Bengkulu coffee has now begun to enter the European market, this is indeed not easy, this is the result of our hard work all this time," added Dedy Ermansyah when representing Bengkulu Governor Rohidin Mersyah received the award.

Deputy Governor Dedy Ermansyah stressed, along with Governor Rohidin Mersyah, will continue to develop Bengkulu coffee, so that it will not only enter the European market, but will continue to develop other countries.

On the same occasion, the Indonesian Ambassador to France Arrmanatha Nasir stressed, so far in the European market Indonesian coffee was not known by the French community, but over time, French citizens had begun to glance at Indonesian coffee that had the best quality.

Arrmanatha Nasir hopes, coffee activists in each region, in Indonesia, will continue to maintain the quality of their respective coffee, so that Indonesian coffee is increasingly recognized abroad.

To note, Bengkulu is the third largest coffee producer nationally, the Robusta Coffee Plantation 86,746 Ha with a production of 55,333.34 Tons, while Arabica Coffee is 3,734 with 1,482.10 tons, and a large private Arabica coffee plantation with an area of ​​405 Ha with a production of 140 tons. (rls)

Wednesday, 4 March 2020



To become a crumb rubber company that strives to become a company that is known and has high trust on a national and international scale with an emphasis on professionalism, punctuality, quality standardization and customer satisfaction

Produce products with commitment, trust and show results in accordance with the wishes and requirements of customers

At all times always trying to meet the requirements and desires of customers Consistently in accordance with the ISO 9001:2015 QMS standard Based on
Product specifications and SNI 06-1903-2017

Customer satisfaction top priority
by implementing the requirements of SNI ISO9001:2015 and SNI ISO14001 committed to protecting the environment, complying with laws and regulations
applicable and carry out continuous improvement of the quality management system and environmental management system

Hankook Tire

  Hankook Tire & Technology Group (/ Hæŋkʊk /; [Haːnɡuk] 한국, 韓國 "Korea (south)", or commonly referred to as Hankook and writte...